jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


  •  The passive tense is used because if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized and also if   you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

    • When do we use the passive voice?.It is often used when the object of the action is more important than those who perform the action.The Structure to use the Passive Voice


  • PRESENT TENSE is Object To be (present) +Past Participle+ (by + subject)* *If needed.
Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.

  • PAST TENSE is Object To be (Past) + + Past Participle + (by+ subject) ** If needed. 
The car was repaired by Sam.

  • PRESENT PROGRESSIVE is Object + To be (present) + Being+ Past Participle + (by+ subject) ** If needed.
Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.


The food is not eaten
The car was not stopped


Which tenses are used in the first conditional? Write an example about it. , and  What is the characteristic of the first conditional?
We use the present simple tense to talk about the possible future condition. We use WILL + base verb to talk about the possible future result. The important thing about the first conditional is that there is a real possibility that the condition will happen.


present simpleWILL + base verb
IfI see MaryI will tell her.
IfTara is free tomorrowhe will invite her.
Ifthey do not pass their examtheir teacher will be sad.
Ifit rains tomorrowwill you stay at home?
Ifit rains tomorrowwhat will you do?
Which tenses are used in the second conditional? Write an example about it.

We use the past simple tense to talk about the future condition. We use
WOULD + base verb to talk about the future result. The important thing about
the second conditional is that there is an unreal possibility that the condition
will happen.

past simpleWOULD + base verb
IfI married MaryI would be happy.
IfRam became richshe would marry him.
Ifit snowed next Julywould you be surprised?
Ifit snowed next Julywhat would you do?

 Which tenses are used in the third conditional?

We use the past perfect tense to talk about the impossible past condition. We use
WOULD HAVE + past participle to talk about the impossible past result. The
important thing about the third conditional is that both the condition and result are
 impossible now.

past perfectWOULD HAVE + past participle
IfI had seen MaryI would have told her.
IfTara had been free yesterdayI would have invited her.
Ifthey had not passed their examtheir teacher would have been sad.
Ifit had rained yesterdaywould you have stayed at home?
Ifit had rained yesterdaywhat would you have done?

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